How Yogis Can Make Travel Easy

women yogi sitting in meditation overlooking the beach and sunset in Bali

How Yogis Can Make Travel Easy on the Budget Yet Oh-So Worthwhile

As enriching as traveling is, so too is it one of the fastest ways to deplete your finances. Luckily, there are tried-and-tested ways to save that savvy travelers swear by, so not only do you get the mindblowing and often life-changing experience that your soul craves, but you get to do so without undue suffering to your bank account. Exhale Yoga Retreats explains how.

Stay Where You Are

Yes, you can go on vacation without ever leaving town. While this might seem like an oxymoron, that’s the sheer beauty of the staycation — you can enjoy the trappings of a vacation without the hassle of long travel times and displacement, not to mention the expense. In a nutshell, because you’re not leaving town on a staycation, you get to save a bundle on travel expenses such as transportation as you only need to concern yourself with accommodation. 

With this in mind, you can certainly afford to live a little by choosing a well-appointed vacation rental property that’s close to the action. Depending on how close you are to your home, you can even still enjoy activities at your favorite yoga studio or gym and shop at your favorite grocery stores, which also puts more money in your pocket. 

Be Flexible

Now, you might be surprised to know that much of budget travel relies on your own flexibility. With that said, it’s interesting to note that a simple change in your overall mindset could be the very ticket to making your travel dreams come true. 

Indeed, while it’s natural to want to be comfortable, a little discomfort (within reason, of course) could translate to hundreds of dollars in savings. Case in point, know that flights that people generally don’t want to take are often the cheapest, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to score lower fares on red-eye flights, off-season flights, flights with multiple stops or flights with longer layovers. And you can use your travel points to score good flights! Check out this link for 17 tips for how to find cheap flights.

The sky truly is the limit when you’re flexible, so it’s a great practice to keep an open mind and have a real sense of adventure when traveling on the cheap.

Take Your Time

When you’re traveling, you inevitably keep your expenses high in pursuit of speed and convenience. It’s a good idea, therefore, to really take your time, not just to smell the proverbial roses, but also to keep travel costs low. 

Indeed, it really is no wonder that slow travel is fast becoming a legitimate way to see the world. Intrepid adventurers have been known to eschew quick flights in favor of hours (even days) on the road, even going so far as to sleep in vans or on the train. While this, of course, is a practical practice — especially to the wallet — it also makes for a unique and more enriching experience as it provides more opportunities to support local economies and forge lifelong connections. It’s even friendlier to the environment to boot!

Keep it Healthy

When you’re away from home, it’s easy to fall off the wagon with food and physical activity. To help maintain your regular routine, set a healthy intention for each day. For example, pack a travel mat and plan for a 30-minute yoga practice, then follow it up with a delicious smoothie or healthy breakfast, which will enhance the pep in your step. Of course, if you’re already hoofing it around the city or hiking all day every day, you need only to add some healthy snacks and meals to stay on track. 

Eat Like a Local

Of course, food demands a sizable chunk of your travel budget. Thankfully, there are also ways to enjoy savings in this regard without having to go hungry, too. 

The secret lies in eating like a local. This means avoiding restaurants where tourists generally gather and seeking out eateries where locals congregate instead. Eating street food is also a great way to experience local cuisine without paying through the nose for it. Lastly, if your accommodation comes with cooking facilities, make sure to take advantage by shopping at local markets and preparing your own meals.

Make It Happen

If you are in a situation where getting away is easier in theory rather than application, take a hard look at what you can realistically do, and consider what’s holding you back. Even though business owners (we’re talking to you, studio owners), in particular, might feel they can't take a break, it's especially important for them to do so. Time away is critical for reframing your perspective and enhancing your productivity. 

Plan your schedule and your budget judiciously so you can get away from work on a regular basis. There are legal ways to turn your getaway into a business trip, too, as long as you're meticulous with your records and establish a true business purpose for part of your getaway. 

If funds are still an issue, particularly if you keep your business and personal funds mixed, consider looking into business grants that can help boost your business’s bottom line, so that you can use your personal funds to focus on self-care. When looking for grants, pay close attention to the region where you live, which can be a guidepost as you dive into finding a grant. Certain industries or designations are eligible for grants, and you just need to see what lines up.

Needless to say, travel is not a privilege reserved only for the rich. And in fact, vacation time can be such a benefit to the overstressed, it should be a priority for all of us. With the right mindset and solid money-saving techniques, the world is undoubtedly anyone’s oyster, so make it yours, too.


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